Posts by LauraG:
Beta Preview Party Recap Pt 2
“Hope is epidemic / Optimism Spreads”
Continued from Part 1
As game devs, we could talk about our game all day. But in the end, the thing that really matters is what our players think…here are some of the comments we got from people who played the game.
It’s challenging to show off an open world RPG like this at in-person events – we had at least 2-3 more hours of gameplay in the preview that no one saw but it was so rewarding to see that even within a limited amount of time, players got something they loved out of it.
We hope to do more of these events in the future as time and budget permit.
After a good night’s sleep, we were able to hit the convention floor on Sunday and see Scott Adams talk about his epic history as one of fathers of the game industry.
We also had the pleasure of meeting one of our backers, and fellow Ultima Dragon, Jarrod Kailef – a man of many talents and writer for Old School Gamer Magazine.
What’s next? We’re headed back into our cave to keep working on Unknown Realm. We still have work to do, but the end is in sight. If you’d like to throw some support our way, the best way is to join our Guild. Follow along with us on X (Unknown Realm, Bruce, Laura), or send us email if you have questions or words of encouragement.
Until next time,
Bruce & Laura
Beta Preview Party Recap Pt 1
“There’s some good in this world, and it’s worth fighting for…” This past weekend, we invited our backers, fans, and the public, to come and play our beta preview of Unknown Realm during the Portland Retro Gaming Expo. The Beta Preview is the first part of the game (minus the intro and character creation, which […]
“Little by little, one travels far…”
Stirring Dragon Games is heading to Portland Retro Gaming Expo this weekend (September 27-29th). On Saturday night, we’ll be hosting a private dev meet & greet for friends and fans featuring the first ever BETA PREVIEW of Unknown Realm. If you’re local to the Portland area, or in town for the show, you won’t want […]
The Ones That Really Matter
The other day we received an email that caused me reflect on who really matters when it comes to making games. This is something I have long suspected about game dev, and I decided to take a moment to collect those thoughts in one place. We first decided to “invest” our life savings in starting […]
Indie Game Marketing – Stirring Dragon Style
Since the early days of Stirring Dragon Games, we’ve opted to take a different and sometimes unconventional approach with how we run our company and in particular, how we market our projects. In the age of screenshot Saturdays, hyped up trailers and early access, people might be understandably confused by our more quiet approach, especially […]
An 80’s Holiday Greeting!
Take a look at the 8-bit holiday card we created!